More da-a tis Projects

I had thoughts for two more da-a tis products. Wallets and baby booties. The wallets are a go. The baby booties, not so much. I like to decorate them and I like to not see the fabric edge on the inside. These two things together do not make a cost effective product for my time. So the booties are cute and I can make them for gifts and Max, but not for da-a tis….

Another Sewing Project for Max

I made him a sleep sack. Very cute, but needs some trim around the neck and arm holes. Unfortunately, I don’t think he’ll ever wear it! He covers up with his blankets and has footed pj’s, so I don’t think he’ll need it… Oh, well, good practice!

Halloween Decorations

Evrey year I say I am going to get crafty and decorate for Halloween, but never do… This year, I finally did it. Here’s the pictures to prove it! And of course, I have to give credit to my crafty husband who helped ALOT with the window decorations!

Halloween Costume!

So first Max was going to be an owl. Then Joe and a co-worker suggested that he be Max from Where the Wild Things Are… So back went the materials I had already gotten for Max’s owl costume, and I got everything he needed to be Max.


Well… I had this bag in the attic that I had asked Joe to get down for me with the nursery things when Max was born. Joe couldn’t find it. So when he went up to get the Halloween decorations down, I asked him to look again. Sure enough there it was. What I was looking for and baby clothes that I had gotten for Max before he was born! And I couldn’t believe it, a Max costume!

Ok, maybe not exactly, but…. It was a hooded white pantsuit that actually still fits him. It’s a little tight, but it works for a costume. It had little glovie things on the arms, so I cut those into claws. I added claw feet, buttons, ears and a tail.  Max hated it! He really hated the feet! And there was something about the arms that was bugging him.

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So alteration part 1. I cut off the claws and made the feet smaller.

So today we had a playgroup Halloween party and Max wore his costume! For almost two hours without any fuss! Last night I had already been planning option two, in case this outfit didn’t work out!

And Halloween was a success!