Another Handmade Backpack

OK, I’m a pretty bad blogger these days. it’s been a while since I showed anything… I missed back to school, when most people are blogging about back packs! And I made this back pack a while ago… But despite all that, here I am!

The first backpack I made was really cool! I loved the alien backpack! It was designed by the kiddo and so is this one! I don’t know where the design came from, but I have to say it was quite a bit easier to put together than the alien!


I didn’t use a pattern, but there are some great backpack patterns and tutorials out there! There’s one by Crazy Little Projects that is pretty similar to the one I made. I also love Sew Sweetness Bags and she has two backpack patterns, the Cumberland and Edelweiss patterns. And I like the pattern that So Sew Easy has on their blog. It’s small, but you can enlarge it for a larger kiddo or yourself. I haven’t made any of these patterns, but they can help you make your own, if you don’t want to wing it like I did!


On the inside I used a laminated cotton fabric. A bright laminated cotton fabric! I made this while I was at a retreat and I didn’t take a non-stick foot, and it did not treat me nicely! But I pushed on anyway!


I love to add key fobs…


The design on the outside is what the kiddo designed. It was much easier than the alien, but it was still tricky! Keeping those lines straight wasn’t as simple I thought it would be and especially without the right foot.


The other thing I think all backpacks should have is the side pockets. I always include elastic, so when it’s not being used, it scrunches up close ot the backpack and doesn’t flop around.


In the back I padded the straps and angled them out a bit.



And the kiddo liked it! That’s the best part of the whole thing!


A Werewolf Halloween 2016

I’m back!!!! Thanks to my good friend Debbie and her family, my computer is back and all my data is saved! I know Halloween was a whole week ago, but I can’t NOT share our Halloween costume!


It’s not just a werewolf. It’s just any ‘teen wolf’.

goosebumps_werewolf_by_jd1680a-d9nwj92 copy

image via

It’s the werewolf from Goosebumps!


I was a little surprised and didn’t take the Goosebumps werewolf seriously at first. But he stuck with it and of, course, I had to oblige! This was my first attempt at sewing with fur. The trick I learned was to use a knitting needle and part the fur. Then I cut down the part. I know there are tons of tutorials for fur, so I won’t go into those details. But the parting of the fur worked great for me!


I made a bunch of pieces and kinda made it up as I went along. I made a hoodie, leggings, fingerless gloves, paws, and a mask. For the hoodie and leggings, I used Peek a boo Pattern Shop Patterns. I actually made another hoodie and another pair of leggings to make sure I had the right size. I’ll have to share those soon. It was fun sewing for the kiddo again! So, the hoodie is the Boardwalk Hoodie and the leggings are the Winter PJ Bottoms. I almost used the Skinny Jeans Pattern, but decided I didn’t need all that! Especially not out of fur!


As you might know, I’ve made a few masks on my own over the years… A lion, an arctic fox, a fox, a tiger, and a few superhero masks! But I’ve never made one with a snout… So I bought this pattern from EbonyShaeDesigns. She has some amazing masks!


ok. The shoes were my favorite part! Love them!


Technically, he wears hightops, but these were free and my son hates Converse…. So I wasn’t going to buy new to cut open. So we went with free low tops! So then I made little socks, kinda! Kinda mittens. With a little stuffing and elastic to hold them on his foot. Then stuffed them through the hole in the toe of the shoe!


He loved it! He wore it to school. Since he really was a book character, Dress Like Your Favorite Book Character, instead of dress up for Halloween at school went nice and smooth. I was nervous the costume might come all stuffed in his backpack, but nope! He liked it! He even wanted to sleep in it!


Our dog, who dressed up like a wolf, was very confused about why his boy was so furry! Almost every day, someone asks us if our husky is a wolf! And the week before Halloween a kid at school told her mom to look at the wolf, I responded with, ‘Well, no, he’s not a wolf, but he’s going to dress up like one for Halloween.’ The family didn’t think it was as funny as I did! ha!


I even started to feel a transformation coming on while I was sewing and I looked down and it looked like I was turning into a wolf too! Or a hobbit, as someone on IG pointed out!


For a few years, I tried to coordinate family costumes, but… It didn’t happen this year! I had a good time making myself a Perler bead mask!


I hope everyone had a great Halloween! I’m glad to be back online, too!


Sew Ready to Play 2016 Recap!

Time to say goodbye to this year’s season of Sew Ready to Play! it’s been another great one! Which project are you going to make? We’d love to know! I want to give a HUGE shout out to all the amazing guests that agreed to join me and play along this year! THANK YOU!!!




Sept 9th- Liz and LiZ  from Simple Simon and Co


Sept 14th- Stacey from Boy, Oh Boy, Oh Boy Crafts


Sept 16th- Narelle from Threadistry


Sept 19th- Debbie from A Quilter’s Table


Sept 21st- Louise from I’m Feelin’ Crafty


Sept 23rd- Al from Shaffer Sisters


Sept 26th- Michelle from Factotum of Arts


Sept 28th- Ashley and Emily from Frances Suzanne

Sept 30th- The Recap!

Pokemon- The Card Game with Boy, oh Boy, oh Boy Crafts

Pokemon is having a full fledged comeback if I do say so myself! It was big when I was a kid, then I don’t remember hearing much about it… Until the last few years! Now it’s ALL over! Even here on the ‘ole blog!


And today, we’re welcoming back an awesome lady,  Stacey from Boy, oh Boy, oh Boy Crafts. Last year she was here and played along with the game Othello. This year, Pokemon! And she already has an idea for next year! My favorite game! I knew I liked this lady!

Be sure to go check out her project on her blog, Boy, oh Boy, oh Boy Crafts! Thanks Stacey!




Sept 9th- Liz and LiZ  from Simple Simon and Co

Sept 14th- Stacey from Boy, Oh Boy, Oh Boy Crafts

Sept 16th- Narelle from Cook, Clean, Craft

Sept 19th- Debbie from A Quilter’s Table

Sept 21st- Louise from I’m Feelin’ Crafty

Sept 23rd- Al from Shaffer Sisters

Sept 26th- Michelle from Factotum of Arts

Sept 28th- Ashley and Emily from Frances Suzanne

Sept 30th- The Recap!



Pokemon Go with Simple Simon and Co

It’s time to really kick off this season of Sew Ready to Play! And to start us off right, our first guests are the ladies behind Simple Simon and Co!


Simple Simon and Co have a lovely blog chock full of fun inspiration! They are the ones behind the Skirting the Issue series I participated in earlier this year. The series collects skirts for foster kids. But not only skirts, blankets too!

Head on over to their blog to learn more about their Pokemon Go inspired project!

This year the ‘rules’ to game are a little different. Traditionally, the guest posted all the details on my blog. This year, I’m posting the teaser and sending you to their blog for more details! Enjoy!


Handmade Halloween

Yes, Halloween has come and gone, but I wanted to share the costumes we had this year!


The ‘real’ costume was Ash, the Pokemon trainer, and his Pokemon, Pikachu! We went back and forth and back and forth between costumes. FIrst it was Ash, then Shaggy from Scooby Doo, then another Pokemon character, and back around to Ash!


Do you know Ash? Well, this is what he looks like as a cartoon….


And this is my real life version! As we were trick or treating, kids kept saying Hello to Ash! Then Dad and I were waiting on the kiddo to trick or treat and these older kids came by talking about the kiddos costume. One kid was telling the other kid about how he’d seen the kid in the Ash costume and,

‘It’s so LEGIT, man’

Talk about making a Momma proud! Oh, yeah! The kiddo came back and I told him about the huge compliment he got and he said, ‘What’s that mean?’ Ha! It means you have a really cool Momma that makes you really cool costumes! hehehe!!!


This costume was a mish mash of handmade and not. The coat, totally all handmade. I used the Kitschy Coo Reversible Zippy Hoodie Pattern for the jacket. I got the hat online and painted on the symbol with fabric paint. I was planning on making the pants, but when I found then for ten bucks at Target, I just bought them…. The gloves are half and half! I tried to make my own, but then found some just the right color. I cut them down and added on the red cuffs.


And Pikachu! I made Pikachu! I made a neighbor one a while back using the Ikat Bag’s Menagerie Pattern with a few alternations. And now the kiddo gets his own!


And remember I mentioned Shaggy? Well, the Friday before Halloween school had a Dress Like Your Favorite Book Character Day. Max choose Shaggy from Scooby Doo! Yes, they are books now. He’s become obsessed with those meddling kids in both book and video form!  And yes, that’s Scooby dressed as a wolf for Halloween! hehehe!


Originally, I was just going to whip up a tshirt for him. Then I headed into Old Navy I just happened to find one last green short sleeved shirt with a V-neck, in his size, for $1.50! Um, can’t pass that up! I very liberally used See Kate Sew’s Surfer Slacks for the bell bottoms. I started at one size of the pattern at hte waist, then just drew the pants out at the knee for the bell bottoms. I should have exaggerated even more….


You aren’t Shaggy without the silly whiskers! And I found the Scooby Snacks at Target!


We had a fun Halloween! The kiddo said it was his best one yet! Awesome! I told him that I hope that when he grows up that he has fond memories of Halloween and being involved with all his custom made Halloween costumes. And I told him, if he has a wife that doesn’t sew, that means he has to make his kids costumes! I hope so!


Pinterest Try Tuesday- Eraser Dot Halloween Shirts DIY

I am so excited that it’s October! And that means Halloween!! We love Halloween around here! AND… It’s been a while since I did my Pinterest Try Tuesday projects. So this month we’re doing Halloween themed Pinterest Tries. Starting with the eraser dot tshirts.


Have you seen these around? WAY back, before my blogging days, I had a baby shower for a friend and I used erasers and paint to make the invitations and envelopes and all sorts of things. So when I saw these bat shirts, I knew I had to make some with the kiddo! Looking more into Cutesy Crafts, where my ‘pin’ originated, it appears she does these for every season! Be sure to check out her page! This would also make cute tote bags, too!


This pinterest try was a real win! It’s quick and easy. Doesn’t require many materials. Fun!


So you start with a freezer paper stencil. Since I got an orange shirt, my son said it had to be a pumpkin! So a pumpkin we made! We actually picked pieces for the pumpkin from online then put it together in photoshop to be exactly how he wanted it!


Then you just need fabric paint and a pencil or two.




Here’s how easy it is. Dip the pencil eraser in the paint and then on the shirt! Let it dry and remove the freezer paper!


What design would you make? I was also thinking of a ghost in glow in the dark paint! Yep!


The kiddo really like it. He was quite curious why we didn’t just use a paintbrush, though. But once we started he got into it! It got worn to school today and the plan is to wear it on Halloween FOR SURE! At least before trick or treating anyway!


Sew Ready to Play 2015 Recap!

Wow! What a great way to celebrate 5 years of Sew Ready to Play!! A huge thank you to everyone that participated in, what I think is, a super fun sewing series!
It’s been so fun seeing what everyone came up with and what your favorite games are! In case you missed a day, here’s a recap of all the great tutorials!

Thanks again everyone!!!!

Hopscotch with The Shaffer Sisters

Can you believe the series is almost over again!!? Where does the time go? Our last guest is Al, from the Shaffer Sisters! If I had a sister, I hope we’d do as many fun things together as the ladies behind the Shaffer Sisters blog!  They seem like so much fun and I love how they all craft together! They have been guests before and always make the sweetest dresses! So happy to have them back this year! Welcome Al!

This year when I considered the possibility of games I could choose from, I found myself daydreaming of simpler days. I remember spending hours upon hours outside with my cousins pretending with our red wagon and stick horses, playing hide and go seek, and kick the can at grandma’s house. As I reflected, I realized that this year I wanted my theme for Sew Ready to Play to be more timeless than the projects I’ve done in the past.


Hopscotch is one of those outside games that can be played anywhere with very little effort. A few weeks ago we were sitting on the sidewalk waiting for the local parade to begin when the kids found chalk in the stroller. Before we knew it, there were a few hop scotch designs down and the kids were contently playing instead of impatiently waiting.


I had started out this project with the intent to make another dress for my very girly daughter, but unfortunately the printer was set to fit and not to actual size. I ended up with a dress in which the finished bodice fit my 1 year old daughter instead of my 6 year old. I didn’t realize this until I was practically done and had spent hours embroidering the hop scotch design on the skirt. The simplest thing would have been to just have my baby wear it, but it didn’t seem fitting since there’s no way a baby can hopscotch.

I wanted to recreate the bodice the right size and stick with my original design, but I lacked the emotional energy to invest that much more time into it. So when life gives you lemons make lemonade, right!?

And on that same day her little brother cut some of her hair an inch long

I seam ripped the skirt off the bodice and attached it to some elastic that I’ve been saving for just the right project.

Ty in her hopscotch skirt and Sally in her butterfly tunic and polka-dot leggings

The detail on the skirt was done by lightly sketching the hopscotch design and then going back and adding embroidery thread of different colors.

Skirts that fly are the only way to go for a 5 year old

She is happy because it’s a skirt that flies when she spins and has plenty of room for movement to navigate the playground.

With love,



Pac-Man with Paisley Roots

Today I’m excited to introduce Karly from Paisley Roots. I’ve known Karly for a few years now and am amazed at all the awesome clothes she produces for her kiddos! And herself! Lately I haven’t been able to sew for just one kid, and she sews for all FIVE of her kids! No idea how she does it. Amazing! If you haven’t seen her blog, be sure to check it out. She’s very inspiring! Welcome, Karly!

I’m so excited to be back on Sew Ready to Play again this year! Since last year, I have started to homeschool my kids, so games have become a much bigger thing in our house. If you then throw in my husbands influence of computer and Nintendo games, we’ve got a whole new level of geekiness going on. I’m even going to Comic Con this year and am beyond excited about it!

If you couldn’t already tell, I went with Pacman for our game. My kids haven’t actually played it before, but they love watching the show and it’s one of their favorite characters.

To make Jude’s hoodie I used the Bimaa hoodie (it’s one of my favorites!) Then I just appliqued Pacman and some pac-dots on the front. I traced a paint can for Pac-man. I knew there was a reason I needed to hang onto it!

 I had really wanted to make the other kids ghost hoodies, but life is chaos with homeschool and time got away from me. It’s still going to happen.

Thank you so much for having us Louise!

Be sure to stop back by for more!

Sept 7th- Debbie from A Quilter’s Table

Sept 9th- Jennifer from Busy Being Jennifer

Sept 11th- Ari from Max California

Sept 16th- Stacey from Boy, Oh Boy, Oh Boy Crafts

Sept 18th- Karly from Paisley Roots

Sept 21st- Louise from I’m Feelin’ Crafty

Sept 23rd- Narelle from Cook, Clean, Craft

Sept 25th- Al from Shaffer Sisters

Sept 28th- Rachel from Let’s Begin Sewing

Sept 30th- Marci from Marci Girl Designs