A Harry Potter Project Pouch

This week is Harry Potter’s birthday and I have a couple of projects to share for the celebration!

I made a project pouch for the kiddo! I’ve been realizing that there are a lot of projects that I want to make, but I end of up quilting more than making fun things as well. I’ve been wanting to make some project pouches so when I got issue 76 of Love Patchwork and Quilting and saw the pouch project, I decided to make one!


The project is the Zip It Up Pouch by Minki Kim. I’ve kinda become obsessed with magazines, but now I have too many with too many projects to make! It was fun making this one! Even if I might not have followed the directions 100%…


I love the little clear pocket on the front. I think on my next one, I might put a snap on the pocket. I thought about putting in some elastic, but decided against it.



The pouch in the magazine was actually quilted. I decided not to quilt mine, but you could. I also took out the quilted back and used a piece of clear vinyl on the back so you can see which project you have in the bag.


I tried my hand at machine binding… I’m horrible at it. this corner is the best one. I know, I should show the corner I messed up, but I’m not going to! Ha! It was the best way to sew on the binding with the vinyl, but I think I have a slightly different plan for the next one! I think I’m faster at hand sewing the binding than at machine binding because every time I machine bind something I have to pull part out and try again!


What is your favorite pouch pattern? I really like this one! And I’m excited to make some more for each of the projects I want to take on vacation!



Haley’s Seahorse- A Kid Designed, Momma Made Project

One thing I love to do, besides quilting, is make stuffies from kid’s drawings. One of my best friends daughters loves seahorses, so when we found out we’d be in town for her birthday, I knew I wanted to make her something. And she just happened to have a drawing she had made of a seahorse!


So I made a stuffie!




This one was a little easier than some of the others I’ve made, but still fun. I just happened to have the seahorse fabric is my stash. And, I also just happened to have the fleece that matched the seahorse fabric. (Is that a sign that I may have too much in my stash?



I really wanted to get the eyes right and the baby. I don’t understand the eyes really, but she drew them that way for a reason. Even her parents commented that I had done the eyes right. So the shape meant something to her.




It’s a rough life for baby seahorses out there. As cute as this one was, it had a rough life and didn’t last long in this world. Unfortunately, she disappeared within a couple of days. In hindsight, I should have attached the baby with a ribbon or something. Lessons learned!


When I gave Haley the present, I included the picture of it that she had drawn in the bag. The first thing she pulled out was this bad computer print of her drawing. She was kinda confused as to why I was giving her her drawing for her birthday. She realized there was more in the bag,  and I wish I had a picture of her face when she pulled this guy out of the bag. Her eyes were huge, her mouth fell open and she exclaimed, This is my drawing! that made it all worth it!


Finish Along Quarter 3 2019 Goals!

I totally missed the Finish Along for Quarter 2! Which was fine, because I didn’t get much done anyway!  So here we are at Quarter 3… Um, where has this year gone???

I don’t know how much I’ll actually get done this quarter with summer vacation and way too busy at work… But I’m going to try to get some of these done! I really need ot get antoher one of my Do Good Stitches quilts. I have two left that need to go to the group. I’m thinking the lollipop one may be first!

This one has been hanging on the design wall for way to long! So I’d really like to get these blocks pieced and done!

And this one! It’s been on the list for too long!

The thing about all these WIP’s is that all the blocks are done for each one! So they shouldn’t take long, right???

I also want to finish my Halloween quilt before Halloween! I don’t have all the blocks done, but I think I have almost half of them…

That’s my list! What’s on yours? Be sure to join in!



Zig Zag Big and Small Quilt

Another Quilt that I finished last year, but never blogged about!

This was the April 2017 quilt for the Nurture Circle of do.Good Stitches. I finished it last summer and took it on a photo shoot in White Sands, NM before sending it on to the group to be donated.



This is just a half square triangle quilt that I arranged into squares. Nothing too dramatic, but I was inspired by the scraps from the quilt design the month before.


These are the blocks we made the month before. They were made from a square and a rectangle, using the tutorial from A Bright Corner. You sew the pieces together, then cut off the corners that are left.


As I was making my block and saw the scraps, I quickly let the group know to keep their scraps and we’d be using them the following month! We sewed those together to make mini half square triangles! I have to admit, I realized then that not everyone enjoyed the small piecing phenomena going around! But they played along with me anyway.


After piecing the tiny half square triangles, everyone made these little blocks out of them.  I pieced them using the same way I pieced my Crosses Postage Stamp Quilt, using a super thin fusible interfacing. I also asked everyone to make larger blue and grey HSTs. I then arranged the larger ones the same way as the tiny ones for a play on scale.




I debated between blue or grey or even green binding. Obviously, I went with the grey. It just kinda fades away, where the others would make more of a frame. Either one would have been nice, but I like how the grey turned out.



Nothing too exciting about the back. A little green and black print.



I’m no longer a member of the Nuture Group, but I still have a couple quilts to finish for the group. Slowly but surely, I’ll get them done!