A Baby Quilt

Here’s an oldie but a sweetie!

This one was finished in 2019 (that’s the oldie part) for a friend in the Seattle Modern Quilt Guild. A group of folks made blocks from a color scheme and block, sent them to me and I put it together.


I just happen to be buddies with the Momma’s Mom who gave me the inside scoop on some colors going on in the new baby’s world that was being created!


I asked guild members to make flying geese blocks with a little added piece on the side. Pretty simple. A 2.5×4.5 inch flying geese block and the added piece was 2.5×3.5 inches. Then I put them together!

This is the same way I put together my Left and Right quilt, which was done with an online quilting bee group that I was a part of.


The best part of making these blocks with a group of people is the different shades of fabric and how they play together. When I do my own, I usually end up using the same fabric, but the blends that come from a group of people makes it so much more interesting, IMO.


And I through in a little matched binding….


I used a few extras flying geese for the back and pieced some larger pieces of the pink, blue and purple fabric.

It looks like I glued the binding before hand stitching it…. I think I was working under a deadline and needed to photograph it between the rain so I must have done the glue thing to get the pictures in!


I think it turned out super sweet! I do love a good flying geese quilt!

Radioactive Springtime

Radioactive Springtime is a quick little sew I made earlier this year! My goal this year to sew my scraps and finish my WIPs.


I’m so excited that Spring is here and summer is on it’s way!


So my idea is really to get the WIPs done first this year, but sometimes a pile of scraps just yells out… SEW ME!! I had this pile of triangle scraps leftover from the Triangle Mountain quilt from 2019. I kept moving them from one spot to another. Then just decided to sew them together into something! And was ok with it being something small.


I also had some other scrap triangles that seemed to go together… Not all of the triangles were the same size. Instead of cutting them to all be the same size, I just pieced in little bits here and there.


I didn’t want it to be the flower shape it was turning into, so I filled in with the cream and white background.


The two-color blocks kinda look like the radioactive symbol, but it’s in the shape of a flower… Hence the name, Radioactive Springtime.


The quilting is in the shape of 4 V’s coming together at the middle. It did warp it a little. I’m not sure why. I think I should have gone in a circle quilting the V’s instead of doing the top and bottom and then the sides last. I don’t know. I had to do a little mini blocking project to flatten it out.


The back is a fabric from my stash from about 10 years ago. It fit perfect. It was an odd shaped piece of fabric, so I cut off a corner and sewed it back on and it fit perfectly! And it has flowers….. How perfect is that for a quilt I had already named Radioactive Springtime???


I snuck a picture of my quilt holder!


And he snuck one of me. I still get surprised to not see my red hair sometimes. Where did it go???


I’m pretty happy with how it turned out for a quick weekend project!