Bama Pillow and How to Quilt with Old Clothes!

Roll Tide Roll! I thought it would be fitting to post this on the night of another National Championship game for ‘Bama! Whether we win or loose, Roll Tide Roll!


My mom moved recently and as we were cleaning the house ot put it on the market, we came across this old sweatshirt from the 1985 50th Iron Bowl. She wasn’t ready to let it go, so we decided to make it new again! And she just happened to leave this houndstooth fabric at my house on one of her visits!


So we’ve got some fabric, an old sweatshirt (this works with t-shirts too) and some featherweight fusible interfacing.



Iron on the interfacing and it then cut it down to the right size. The interfacing gives the sweatshirt or t-shirt a stability that knit doesn’t have on it’s own. It makes it much easier to sew without distortion.


Then I pieced the top and quilted in the the shape of a football! After I was loving along, I realized my football started to tilt and got off. So don’t look too closely at that detail…


Then I started to wonder, what’s the big deal about this 50th Iron Bowl anyway…. Just in case you aren’t from the South and don’t know what the Iron Bowl is… It’s the biggest state rivalry there is! Well, that is coming from a ‘Bama fan, anyway! It is the biggest anticipated game in the state of Alabama between Alabama and Auburn. And this particular game in 1985, seems to have been an awesome game!

‘Imagine how lucky you’d be to get introduced to the greatest rivalry in the country at the height of its unparalleled powers.

Alf Van Hoose, longtime Birmingham News sports editor, called it “Legion Field’s greatest game,” and no one would know better.

Alabama 25, Auburn 23 on Nov. 30, 1985, will always be the greatest Iron Bowl to me. It was two heavyweight champions taking the other’s best punch and refusing to stay down, getting up and punching back until the Crimson Tide landed the final, crushing blow at the bell of the 15th and final round.’

-from Kevin Scarbinsky, My First Iron Bowl

The article lays it all out and is a fun read!



The pillow was supposed to be a Christmas gift, and it was, just a little late! But just in time to help cheer them on tonight!