Sew Ready to Play Chinese Checkers with A Quilter’s Table

I’ve been a member of the Seattle Modern Quilt Guild for some time now, but just this year we (I didn’t actually have anything to do with it, so I should say they…) got organized and instead of just having sew-in’s we also have monthly meetings. One meeting I was there and didn’t really know anyone. Then this woman, Debbie from A Quilter’s Table, sat down next to me. Of course we ended up chatting and shared blog addresses, etc. I got home and of course looked up her blog and was realized that she’s HUGE! And she makes amazing quilts! I love her Half Triangle do. Good quilt. But you’ve got to check out this one called Common Affection… It’s amazing!!! Since that first meeting, Debbie and I have become fun friends here in Seattle!

Welcome Debbie!

When I heard about Louise’s Get Ready to Play series, I was really intrigued, as I come from a long line of game-players! After mulling over all sorts of possibilities, I finally settled on Chinese Checkers, a much-loved and often played game in our family.

And since I’m primarily a quilter, I made a quilt! Here’s how!

Supplies needed for quilt top:

1 1/2 yards background fabric

1/3 yard each of 4 focus fabrics

Cut all fabrics in 4″ strips across width of fabric.

Using a 60-degree triangle ruler, begin at one end of each strip and cut triangles with the 4″ mark along bottom of strip, and top of ruler even with the top edge.

Continue cutting triangles across each strip, rotating the ruler with each new cut. (I got 14 triangles out of each strip.)

Continue until you have cut all the triangles you will need:

203 background triangles

18 triangles of one color (the teal in my case)

15 triangles of each of 3 colors

Lay out all your triangles to make the Chinese Checkers pattern. The side edges will look jagged at this point and will be trimmed off after quilting.

The piecing for triangles is done in diagonal rows, not horizontal.

And here is the finished quilt top!

Unfortunately, this is where I leave off like many patterns do . . . “Quilt and finish as desired.” Your quilt top is now ready to be basted, quilted, sides trimmed (with your ruler 1/4″ from edge of accent triangles), and bound. Here is my finished quilt, which is baby-quilt sized at 36×45″.

Thanks, Louise, for letting me sew and play! It’s been great fun. And if any of you readers enjoy quilting, other random sewing, and a bit of table talk, feel free to join me at A Quilter’s Table. See you there!

Check out A Quilter’s Table tomorrow for more details of quilting instruction!


  1. oh how fun! Thanks for letting me play along, Louise!

  2. I think I need a rainbow version of this – thanks for the tute Debbie!

  3. Great inspiration 🙂

  4. Great job Debbie! I love this idea! and thanks for sharing your expertise too!

  5. I had no idea you met one another at one of our meetings this year, that is so awesome and happy-making!


  1. […] Chinese Checkers by Debbie from A Quilter’s Table […]

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