The Year of the Tiger

Although I haven’t been posting lately, I have been being crafty! I’m working on two quilts, but I can’t post about those until I am done and have given them to thier respective owners…

But in the meantime I made some onesies.

Lee and Jayde had an awesome reason to think about The Year of the Tiger! Little Baby Owen, aka baby Tiger, was born just a few weeks ago. For thier baby shower we used this image of a tiger that they had found. The tiger graphic comes from an awesome calendar made by Midori, One of the girls that I did the shower with had the image made into two stamps for them. I borrowed them and ta-da…..

My other pal April, is due soon as well, and her little one will also be born in the The Year of the Tiger, so I wanted to make her a onsie. And of course, Max got one too!

I couldn’t figure out how to align the two stamps, but Lee mentioned a jig… So I went home that night, cut one out of cardboard and it worked perfectly!