Simple Duffle Bag Tutorial

Typically when we go camping we have a little trailer at a little campsite that we go to. But every now and then we bust out the tent. It’s a huge tent! It’s a huge tent that was also busting out of it’s bag. we took it out last year and felt like we were getting some eye rolling from the fancy pants motor homes we were camping next too! And we probably were, the bag was shredded and being held together with rope.


This is the new one I made. I’m kicking myself for no before pictures. I took some, but my camera was acting up, so deleted it. Then I forgot to get a pick before my husband took it out of the old bag and into the new one! And once it came out of the old, I don’t think it was going in again. Yes, it was that bad!


Have you made a duffle bag before? They are so simple. I’m sure you can make it more complicated. Like lining it, etc. But this one doesn’t need it! You only need a zipper the length of your bag, the fabric and the webbing for the strap.

And please excuse the pictures, they are horrible, I admit…. But they work!


First, cut! You need one rectangle for the body of the bag and 2 circles for the end. I made mine 40 inches long x 36 3/4 inches wide. And my end circles are 12 inches diameter.



The easiest way I cut circles is to fold the fabric in half and in half again. At the corner, draw a quarter or your circle, then cut it out.



Next is the zipper. Sew the zipper, right sides together, along the 40 inch side.  Then again along the other side. Then turn right side out and topstitch along each side of the zipper.


The handles are the next step. Sew the webbing together so that you have one huge loop. I used approximately 3 1/2 yards of webbing for this one. Unzip the bag and lay it out flat. Then pin the webbing to the right side of the bag.


Topstitch the webbing to the bag, stopping about 2 to 3 inches from the zipper.


Then comes the ends! Pin the ends. I fold and crease the ends and the bag in quarters. Start pinning at the quarter marks then infill.


Then sew the ends on! I do a lot of back and forth at the zipper to really secure that part. And that’s it! You’re done!


Ready for the next camping trip! Or for whatever your bag is for. Did you know duffle bags were that easy? I had a feeling it was easy, but then didn’t fully realize how easy it was until I made it! What will you make a duffle bag for?



  1. This will be a great way to organize those awkward supplies I gather for emergency preparation/72 hour kits. Thanks so much!

  2. It’s just like making a giant make up bag. Great idea for camping stuff! Think I’ll have to make some. We have soooo many bags from sports though. Might be fun to put some big letters on the bags and personalize them. “Tent” “Bathroom” etc.

  3. Great tutorial! I don’t know why I always think of duffles as hard to make. I’ve got a Craft Gossip post scheduled for tomorrow evening that links to your tutorial:

  4. We needed to store the grandkids’ 14′ pool when we took it down. We had nothing big enough for the 38″ posts, but your Simple Duffle Bag popped up on Facebook! Perfect! I made it 40″ wide by 48″ around, using blue canvas and contrasting webbing. Just finished and it held all the posts, connectors and rubber feet! Thanks for sharing!


  1. […] Simple Duffle Bag Tutorial, by I’m Feelin’ Crafty […]

  2. […] Simple Duffle Bag Tutorial, by I’m Feelin’ Crafty […]

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