We’ve Been Published!

This week was crazy, so I apologize for the lack of entertainment on my end of here! But I’m back!


And in print! Yea! I do have to say, it’s been fun seeing my things in books and magazines!


The first one that I was featured in is called ‘Selbst Versorgung auf Kleinstem Raum‘ and it’s in German! Thank goodness for google translate, or otherwise I wouldn’t be able to know what any of it says!  It’s not the most perfect translation tool, but it helps! The title of the book translates to,’Self Sufficiency in a Very Small Space.’


Now I haven’t translated the whole book, that would take FOREVER… Maybe one day I will… But it appears to mostly be about gardening in a small space, but they featured my memory game!


I made one and gave it away on the blog! Then it look forever for me to actual finish the one for my son! But I love it!


The chapter where my project was featured is called, Kinderleicht zum Elefantengedachtnis,’ which I think means something about a memory like an elephant! And it tells a bit about some plants that help put the gray cells back in action and get give your memory a jumpstart!


Then next came Yours magazine from the UK! I don’t know what it is about the publishers from across the pond, but they seem to like my things! I had never heard of Yours magazine, but it appears to be for the above 50 set, but has all sorts of fun things for women of all ages. I’ve enjoyed reading and I’m not quite to the 50 mark….


And in their July/August issue they featured my melted bead windchime! Fun times!


And lastly… Did you notice the title of the post? It says WE, right? Well, this book came the other day and the kiddo is in it! This book is a beautiful book by a local photographer, David Frank, called ‘Real Kids Photography.’ It’s a guide book on how to get great, REAL, pictures of your kiddos! Some great tips and lovely inspiration!


He’s been working on it for years! He did photo shoots around town to build up his portfolio of kids for the book. And our kiddo made the cut! That’s him there in the middle. I think he was around 9 months old then. He was walking with holding on, but not quite on his own yet. And the book came the other day. So seriously, David has been working on making the book perfect for a few years now! You can get your copy here!

And to end, the kiddo was on TV today! It was pretty cool! He was being interviewed for his participation in the Little Libraries Competition!

Maybe we should write our own book!  Have a great weekend!




  1. wow – all that together is pretty awesome! Very cool!

  2. Sarah Helene says:

    CONGRATS to you! Your work in all 3 publications for such different reasons…. AMAZING! Shows your creativity and talent in different craft and sewing areas — is being rewarded, right? YOU must be so PROUD! I’ll check out your kiddo being interviewed for the Little Libraries Competition later. Sarah Helene in Minneapolis

  3. CONGRATULATIONS!!! I’m so excited for you!

  4. Awesome news! Congratulations! 😃

  5. Congratulations! Lovely work–it’s great to see it recognized and published to inspire a wider audience! I’m so happy for you! Your son is such a cutie–it must seem like ages that he was so little!

  6. This is great! Well deserved!

  7. Louise! This is wonderful!! Congrats! You’ve worked so hard so many kudos to you!!

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