Project Organize!

Thanksgiving just passed and Christmas is coming on fast! I have a list of handmade gifts that I want to do, but what did I start instead??? A little winter cleaning. It started in the garage and I got about a quarter of that done… Then next thing I knew I was downstairs, tearing apart the sewing/computer room!!!

I know, I know, you’re probably checking the weather report… Was there recently a hurricane or a tornado or some other horrible weather condition in Seattle??? Nope, that’s just me! If you look closely you can see my son down there in the middle of the storm playing with fabric, yarn, thread and scissors. He was loving it. My husband… Not so much. As he tiptoed and hopped and grumbled his way through the ravaged sewing room to the computer!

I had to think a little bit to remember how I ended up NOT doing the garage and doing my sewing area. And I remembered… two things! 1. the fact that I brought in new fabric that had been stored in the garage to the sewing room, which meant I needed to make room for it…. and 2. This picture of Ellen’s, from The Long Thread, sewing room!


I saw this picture the other day and I had one of those Aha moments! Hello, fabric stores have their fabric stored vertically all over the place. I don’t know the real reason, but I’m assuming that it’s because it’s easier to get the fabric out and put the fabric back…. Don’t ya think? When ever I go to get fabric off my shelves, it never goes back the same way and half the time it ends up on the floor for a while…

And then taking a break and snooping around the internet, I found these other inspiring spaces as well!

via girl. inspired. 

via Craftaholics Anonymous

via The Cottage Home 

Fresh Squeezed Fabric via  SouleMama

After such wonderful inspiration, My storage is going from this….

to this….

The Long Thread just chip board to hold her fabric up. I didn’t have any chip board so I was scavenging around the house looking for cardboard or anything else thicker than paper! I had a piece of really big cardboard in the garage, a little box that needed to be recycled and I even took the plastic back off of one of my Ikea shelves and cut that up! It’s taking longer than planned, but I’m loving it so far!!!

I’ll give an update once it’s all done!

How do you store your fabric??


  1. I love that!!! I store mine in a dresser, I have to dig through it all of the time. How I wish I had a way to do this.

  2. wow, this is amazing! what a great idea!!! i want to store my fabric like this!


  1. […] others, 2 car loads full to Goodwill and Wellspring and a third little load to a friend in need my Project Organization is pretty much complete! The other day I had to go by Goodwill before picking up my son from […]

  2. […] read the rest of part 1 from Project Organize, stop by GA_googleAddAttr("AdOpt", "1"); GA_googleAddAttr("Origin", "other"); […]

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