Quilt Blocks for Causes

I’ve been making a few quilt blocks lately! So the first few started from this adorable little package of fabric squares from Clothworks Organic Line.


Clothworks gave our Seattle Modern Quilt Guild the little bundles to make a modern blocks for a quilt that we would then donate to a good cause.


I ended up making three! This grey one is my favorite! THey were all spur of the moment, no real planning. I stacked them all together, cut about an inch off the side and then reassembled them!


Second came the blue one. Not my favorite.


And lastly the teal one. I like this one, but not quite as much as the grey one!


The reveal was amazing. At our last guild meeting everyone showed off their blocks and we put them all together. There was some fantastic blocks!!!

Once that was complete, I moved on to my next project. Just One Slab for Alberta. But I made two.


I admit I don’t watch much news. It started when I was pregnant. I’d get so upset by the news, I kinda quit listening. And I got used to it. So needless to say, I didn’t actually know about the devastating floods in Alberta. Then I found out about Cheryl’s call for quilters to make blocks to give to those who lost everything in the floods. I couldn’t say no!


I only used scraps. The first one I made was the pink one. I used a bunch of little scraps. And it took a while!


So for my next one, the green one, I used larger scraps. And it didn’t take as long and I love it!


If you’d like to make one for the Just One Slab, it’s super quick and she’s requesting them by the end of this month. So quit reading and start going through those scraps and sewing them together! I can’t wait to see all the blocks together!



  1. I love all your blocks. The colors in the solid bundle are great and you used them so well. I also love that pink improv block….doesn’t pink and green go so well together 🙂

  2. Thanks for blogging the Clothworks block, the group photo is beautiful! Have you already mailed your slabs? I haven’t and would be happy to bundle up.

  3. Delightful block! Love what you made for the Clothworks quilt!

  4. OOh I love that grey one! And I also really like that blue one!

  5. Eep, the Clothworks blocks look AMaZING! That’s going to be one stunning quilt. You’ll have to show us when it’s done, eh?

    So glad to see you made some slabs. Thanks from Canada, Louise. 🙂


  1. […] first one is a charity quilt that we all participated in. We made blocks with fabric donated by Clothworks. Two of my blocks got into this quilt! And the quilting is just […]

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