Reversible Sewing Machine Cover Tutorial

Did I mention that I’ve never really understood sewing machine covers until I made one? I have a hard case cover that I never use unless I am taking my machine somewhere, so I’ve always kinda poo-poo-ed the sewn and quilted sewing machine covers. That is unless I made one for the swap I just did. My partner wanted one, so I tried my hand at it and decided that they are cool and I want one too! They can really brighten up a sewing room!

The most common ones I have seen are basically a mini quilt or tea towel looking piece with a bow on the side. Martha Stewart has one that I’ve seen a lot. And to me, if I’m covering it, I’m covering it. So I made a full-fledged cover with sides and everything!

So here’s how I made mine!

Materials: Not an extensive material list for this one! Just fabric, thread and a cutting device! And since I quilted my cover I also used some batting. This material is optional, but it does help the cover keep it’s shape a bit more than if it didn’t have it.

Step 1: Cut the pieces. For this step, I can’t give you the dimensions! First you have to measure your machine. The machine I was making it for was 16 inches wide, 7 inches deep and 11 inches tall. I added 2 inches to the width,  1 inch to the depth and a 1/2 inch to the height. So you need:

4 side panels- 2 from the inside fabric and 2 for the outside fabric. And 2 pieces of batting if you are using it. My side panels were 8 x 11.5 inches.

2 cover panels- My cover panels were 18 x 30 inches. The height + height + depth. And, again, if you are using batting, cut a piece of batting the same size.

Step 2: Round off the corners at the top piece of the sides. I just used a little juice cup for the shape, so it wasn’t anything too specific!

Step 3: Clip the cover to the sides with right sides together. Or pin, whichever.

Step 4: Sew the cover and sides together, but don’t forget the hole! Leave a 3 inch or so hole in one of the sides seams to pull the finished pieces through later.

Step 5: Repeat steps 3 and 4 with the outside pieces.

Step 7: Put the outside of the cover inside the inside piece of the cover with right sides together. Does that make sense??

Step 8: Clip the two pieces together, aligning the seams.

Step 9: Sew the two pieces together.

Step 10: Pull through.

Step 11: Sew that hole in the inside side seam closed.

Step 12: Iron the bottom seam and topstitch around the edge. I used yellow thread on yellow fabric, so it’s hard to see in the pictures, but it’s there, I promise!

And Wahla! It’s done! And hopefully it fits! I was stressed about it since I was making it for a machine I didn’t have access to. But as you can see it fits her machine quite nicely!

And it’s reversible! When you’re needin’ a change, flip it around!

And if you’re wondering about the pinwheel quilt blocks, be sure to check out the tutorial for that here!

Do you have use a machine cover?? Do you want to now?? I do!

Shared with these link parties!


  1. Jayme C says:

    I LOVE this machine cover!!!!! Teehehe, and I’m so glad it greets me every morning since I usually wake up facing my sewing area!! You’re amazing!!

  2. Sheila Perl says:

    I DO want a sewing machine cover, and a serger cover, and an embroidery machine cover!! I also want a sewing area as tidy as your “swap” recipient 🙂 I need to get busy, thank you for the tutorial!

  3. What a nice work! Wish I could do that stuff but it seems as if I have some left thumbs when it comes to sewing

  4. I love the colors! What a great DIY and wonderful photos. I don’t have a sewing machine, but if I did . . . .

    I’m visiting from SITS. 🙂

  5. The reversible idea is great! I love the colours! Thank you for sharing this. I’m a new follower from the creative me linky

  6. great tutorial! i love the pinwheels.

  7. I don’t have one, but I now want one!!! I am also in a swap and the lady wants a sewing machine cover. Thank you for the tutorial!!!

  8. At what point did you quilt the cover? I am looking for a project that combines sewing and quilting and I could use a cover for my machine. Thanks!

    • Good question! I guess I didn’t mention that part! I pieced the cover and then quilted it and then treated it as one panel. Then moved on Step 2. So I guess the piecing and quilting would be considered Step 1.5! Let me know if that is still confusing. 🙂

      • Thanks for your reply. Just to clarify…did you quilt the outer cover before you stitched it together? I can’t tell if the entire cover is quilted and it seems like it would be tough to do once it is sewn together. It’s beautiful and I especially like the orange and green fabric.

      • Yes. I quilt the outer cover to the batting. I don’t quilt the sides, but I do use batting on the sides for added support. Then I attach the sides to the cover. Then do this for the three inside pieces (except I typically don’t quilt the inside main piece). And I don’t quilt the inside and outside main pieces together. Again, let me know if you have more questions!

      • that makes much more sense to me. I think I will give it a go. Thanks so much!

  9. Melissa Stillwell says:

    I used your tutorial today and I love my new sewing machine cover! Thanks for the great, easy to follow directions and pictures!

  10. suesewcrafty says:

    Hi Louise. I just got an email as I guess I subscribed or something. Then I looked through the comments and discovered I’d asked you questions about the machine cover. This was before we met at the guild….small world huh? Sue

  11. I love this! And that it is reversible. I’ve just been using the plain white plastic one which came with my singer and keeping it in its box – I’m hoping to move shortly so I’m bookmarking this to make one when I have a place with a little more space 😀 Looks so good, I still can’t believe it is so neat as a reversible 🙂


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  6. […] Feelin’ Crafty I love Louise’s modern take on quilting. Her latest project, a sewing machine cover makes me smile just looking at it. I made a cover for my overlocker a while back, but I think it […]

  7. […] Reversible Sewing Machine Cover […]

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