The Arctic Fox Mask! A Project for You!

Dont’ forget to Vote (for me (hint hint)) now (please), click here! I’m in last place and kinda depressed about it… Trying to stay optimistic! If you haven’t voted for me, please do!


I don’t know if you remember, but what looks like ages ago (the kiddo looks so little in the pictures), I made a fox mask.


So of course, I used this as a base for my arctic fox mask!

I’m not going to redo the tutorial that you can find here, but I did update the mask pattern. You can download the pattern here (And vote while it’s downloading here). Print the pattern and then follow the tutorial for your very own arctic fox mask!

I used grey stitching around the eyes for a little accent! Enjoy!


Sew Ready to Play Continues On

Well….. Yes, the series was supposed to end last Friday… But the fun continues! Come on, let’s keep playing!

Have you ever played Mr. Fox? Well, I had never heard of it until a playdate this summer. Maybe our friends made it up, I don’t know… But either way it’s fun and my son loves it.

Here’s how it goes. Someone is Mr. Fox. Everyone else lines up away from, but facing Mr. Fox. Then someone from the line calls out, ‘What time is it Mr. Fox?’ Mr. Fox replies back with a time, ‘It’s 2 o’clock.’ The line takes 2 steps towards Mr. Fox. This goes on until the answer from Mr. Fox is, ‘It’s LUNCHTIME!!!’ Then Mr. Fox chases everyone and the first one he tags becomes the new Mr. Fox!

When I was figuring out what my project would be it was between making something related to Hullabaloo or Mr. Fox. I went with the Hullabaloo project. But then realized that the twins who taught us this game have a birthday coming up this week. Soooo, I decided to continue with my plan for the Mr. Fox inspired project, a fox mask!

And here’s how I made it. Pretty simple!

Step 1 Materials:

3 colors of felt, brownish red, cream and black. I bought a quarter yard of each, but you don’t even need that much, a fraction of that! I bought the felt on a bolt versus the craft felt.

Thin elastic, about 12″


Exacto Knife

Thread, cream and black

Pattern, click here for the pattern

Fabric Glue, optional. I didn’t use it, but I prefer to sew. If you don’t want to sew, use the glue.

Step 2:

Cut the pieces out of each color. Careful around the eyes, I had to cut mine twice!

Step 3:

Poke holes in the brown piece for the elastic to thread through.

Step 4:

Cut the elastic, 12″.

Step 5:

Thread the elastic through the holes.

Step 6:

Sew down the elastic. I did a line of stiching through the elastic and then I went over it with a zigzag stitch for a cleaner finished look on the back

Step 7:

Sew on the cream pieces.

Step 8:

Sew on the black pieces.

Step 9:

Watch out for foxes lurking about the house…. They’re sly ya know!