Have a Book that needs Wrapping??

Here’s a last minute tutorial for any of those books you’re wondering how  to wrap! The gift bags that I make, I love, but they aren’t great for the really flat items like books or calendars. So I came up with this gift wrapping technique.






Step 1-  Measure the books (or anything flat that needs wrapping). Be sure to overlap a few inches.

Step 2- Cut your two pieces of fabric.

Step 3- Pin ribbon to fabric. Pin the fabric about 1/2 inch to an inch from the top edge.

Step 4- Sew two pieces of fabric, right sides together. Leave a 2 inch hole in the side. I try to locate my hole on what will be the back of the bag.

Step 5- Pull the fabric through the hole.

Step 6- Iron the fabric bag. Layout the fabric to get the flaps overlap how you want them.

Step 7- Topstich. Start at the bottom corner and stitch around.

Step 9- Insert your book, pull the ribbon around the back and to the front. Tie your bow.

Step 10- Give that book to someone you love!

On Dasher, On Bitzen, On Silver Spray Paint

These are reindeer! My Christmas decor consists of mostly bright green, bright tealish blue, orange, pink, white and silver. I’ve been wanting some silver reindeer, but they are usually pretty expensive, at least the ones I”m drawn to…

I’ve had these cute vintage reindeer, but they just don’t really go with the decor I’m using right now.

So I found these at the drug store…

Exactly the right size, and nice and cheap.

Growing up I remember my Mom having this book, The Official Guide to Christmas in the South: Or, If You Can’t Fry It, Spraypaint It Gold. When I saw these reindeer in the store, the title of  the book popped in my head and I had to laugh! Only I knew I was going silver, not gold.

I spray painted their wreaths as well, but not sure I want the wreaths. If I go with wreaths, I think they need some glitter!

Wreath or no wreath?