Sew Ready to Play Season 5!


Are you ready to play? Are you ready for a month of sewing projects inspired by games??? I am! I’m so excited to see what my awesome guests have lined up for this years season of Sew Ready to Play!! This is the fifth season! I can’t believe how much fun every year has been and that this is my fifth anniversary of games!

If you’re new and never played along, Sew Ready to Play is a series of sewing projects inspired by your favorite games!! It can be anything from kids clothes to adult clothes, stuffies to a handmade version of the game. I have a tendency to make handmade versions of the game, like pick up sticks and memory. I can’t wait to see what everyone comes up with this year! It’s always so fun to see what games people play and what those games inspire. Be sure to check out all the tutorials from the past years here.

Here’s the list of amazing creators that are playing along this year!  Be sure to join us often!!!

Sept 7th- Debbie from A Quilter’s Table

Sept 9th- Jennifer from Busy Being Jennifer

Sept 11th- Ari from Max California

Sept 16th- Stacey from Boy, Oh Boy, Oh Boy Crafts

Sept 18th- Karly from Paisley Roots

Sept 21st- Louise from I’m Feelin’ Crafty

Sept 23rd- Narelle from Cook, Clean, Craft

Sept 25th- Al from Shaffer Sisters

Sept 28th- Rachel from Let’s Begin Sewing

Sept 30th- Marci from Marci Girl Designs


  1. Can’t wait to see what everyone creates!

  2. I’m ready! 😉

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