Kids Clothes Week Challenge- Day 7

ahhhhh….. The spring Kids Clothes Week Challenge has come to an end! I’m sad, but exhausted! I stayed up way too late every night, but I’m in love with everything I made (except for the raglan tee, gotta try that one again one day soon…) To finish out this week I did a little finishing of a few pieces. Nothing new today…

The first piece I finished was the PJ tee. I realized that I never finished the last star applique.

Why? It was only about 5  minutes left, so why didn’t I finish when I was working on it??? Who knows!

Secondly, The treasure pocket pants. I finished them the other day, but they were WAY too loose on the kiddo. And I didn’t like the narrow waistband. AND the elestic twisted as I was putting it in. Three strikes. Something had to be done! So I cut out a wider waistband strip and a smaller piece of elastic.

And wahla! Much happier!

And lastly… This one is an oldie! Halloween 2010 I made my son a fireman suit for his Halloween costume. I made the coat big for a couple of reasons. One, so he could use it for a while for dress-up play and two, firefighters jackets always have that BIG look to them. The jacket still fits, but I really need to add a cuff to lengthen the sleeves a bit.

Anyway….. It’s recently become a hit again. I came home the other night and he was sleeping in it. Very cute! The iron on stripes were starting to come off and so was the badge. Both were just ironed on at the time, but they now need some stitching. I’ve been scared to wash it in fear that they will just come off in the wash. But it needs it now!

So it’s stitched down, ready to be washed and ready for many more dress-ups!

And now…. It’s time to clean the sewing room!


  1. Yeah, the TPPs I made for Joe recently were WAY too loose in the waist as well. Their elastic recommendations seemed way off to me, but then again, the pattern was very loose and generous all around.

    I also have to go back and debug some of my KCWC projects. The Sandbox Pants I made Joe are just too long in the crotch/waist, so I’m going to remove the waistband, shorten the rise, and sew it back on, this time possibly without the drawstring, because while it’s cute, it seems to bug the kid. And I’ve already removed and redone the ribbing on one of the t-shirts I’ve made. I’m always loathe to go back into a project to fix things, but then I’m always so happy I did, so there you go.

    I love the fireman outfit! I can see why that’s a hit!

  2. I agree that the elastic measurements are often too big…I usually just pin the elastic with a safety pin and let Henry wear them around for about ten minutes so I can see how it fits…and then make adjustments and sew….sometimes it takes a few tries to get the right size…

    • I decided to just judge the elastic by some of his other pants for the rest of the pants I made. I sew after he’s gone to bed and I get obsessed with finishing, so I can’t wait for him to wake up and just keep plugging along crossing my fingers! Probably not the best approach, but so far it’s worked! 🙂

  3. You made so much amazing stuff during KCWC. I love those TPPs and the fireman outfit is soooo cute. It was my first KCWC and I absolutely loved it but I’m glad to catch up on a bit of sleep now too.

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