More Dragons!

I’m just so impressed with all the dragons that have been made this Halloween from my Dragon Wings Tutorial!! It’s just awesome to see people using my tutorial and blog and making such incredible pieces. I just have to show off a few more before I move on from Halloween and back to the Dr. Seuss Party Tutorials!

I can only say that I am totally wowed by Tamara’s dragon costume! Such amazing details, cool wings and love the baseball hat idea for the dragon head!

Check out this ‘Night Fury’ dragon from ‘How to Train Your Dragon’! I love the awesome tail detail! Ellie had such kind words, ‘Thank you so much for helping make me the coolest mom!’  ahhhh… I’m blushing!

I had mentioned that I had made a pair of wings for a reader and didn’t take a picture. Well, Natalie sent me a picture of her beautiful dragon wearing the pair that I made. Natalie told me that her son loves them, ‘taking them off last night after Trick-of-Treating was like torture for him.’ I actually had a great time pulling out the pattern again and putting another pair together!

Thank you all for your pictures and kind words! It really means a lot to me to see people enjoying my blog and seeing the projects in action! Thank you!


  1. […] the Boy, All the Dragon Wings made by readers and more, The Southern […]

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