The Time Has Come for Play Dough

Ever since before my son came along, I”ve always wanted to make home made play dough. But never did. Then yesterday my husband said, ‘We need play dough at the house. Where do we get it?’ I was so excited, I said I’ll make it. Husband wasn’t all that impressed. Came home, and less than a half hour later, home made play dough! That’s less time than it takes to go to the store to buy play dough. (And I won’t go into the whole no chemicals thing, safe to put in your mouth thing)

If you google homemade play dough recipes tons of websites show up. I read a few and decided to go with the recipe from MommyFootprint. How can you not when she titled it ‘The Perfect Home Made Play Dough Recipe.’

Home Made Play Dough

1 cup white flour
1/2 cup salt
2 tablespoon cream of tartar (find it in the spice section)
1 tablespoon oil
1 cup water
food coloring

Mix first 4 ingredients in a pan. Add water and mix well. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, for 3 – 5 minutes. Dough will become difficult to stir and form a “clump”.  Remove from stove and knead for 5 minutes–add food coloring during kneading process. Play dough will keep for a long time stored in a covered plastic container or plastic sandwich bag.


Tip: Don’t make this if you have any important adult meeting the next day…. 


It was a hit! I loved watching his little fingers make leaves for the trees!


I was so excited to make this for him, FINALLY! I feel kinda silly being this excited about making play dough, but it’s the little things, right? What have you been excited to make this week?