Friday Link Love from Celebrate the Boy

Yep, I know, I had a link love from Celebrate the Boy already, but I think I’ll do it this week and maybe next week too. There is just so many cool things being shown! I debated, something different, maybe St Patrick’s Day, but no…

Here are some of my favorites from Celebrate the Boy month:


1. Oh, my! How cool are these dino tails from Running With Scissors? They are too cool!! And wouldn’t they go great with my dragon wings? Well, then they would have to be dragon tails, but I think that would work. And I also just love the picture, don’t you? Yep, must add to the To Do List!

2. I have been thinking about a special outfit for my son for an upcoming event. Thinking maybe some cool, tailored overalls/onesie type thing, but a I really like the idea of a seersucker suit… Then I saw these Dapper Dillinger’s pants done by Made by Rae. I love them and keep imagining them in seersucker with white pockets, a white shirt and a cute little white and blue sweater….  hmmmm…..

3. And the hoodie by I Am Momma Hear Me Roar. This is another thing on my list of things I want to tackle. A hoodie for the kiddo…. I love this one and the tutorial is nice and easy to follow! I love how easy the actual hoodie part is. Great idea!

4. I have been in love with the Fort Kit for ages. I saw it probably a year ago, but forgot where. I might have forgotten where I saw, but never did I forget about it! And then the awesome kit and tutorial from Saltwater Kids was featured as a giveaway this month on CTB and I was like, ‘There you are, my lovely fort kit!’ So glad to have found it again!

There ya go, 4 of my favorite boy things this week!