Project Run and Play- Boys Style

OK, just a little warning… This week’s outfit is pretty silly! (And so is the model)PRP-BoysWk-Main-I'mFeelin'Crafty

Once again, I’m playing along with the Project Run and Play challenges. This week’s challenge is Boy’s Style! And we took that to be The Kiddo’s Style. Remember last week when my son got bummed when he saw his sweatshirt and it wasn’t red and blue and green and yellow and orange??? (The week we won the reader challenge???) Well, I promised that this week he would get his color! And he did!


We had fun wandering around the fabric store picking out all the colorful pieces we could find! He said he wanted stripes. So he got stripes.


And polka dots. Our last color that he said we needed was purple, so we decided to go with purple pockets. Then he wandered around and found this great purple polka dot fabric! I added the pockets and was excited to figure out how easy they are to add. I also realized how I want to do them next time!! I’ll show ya soon!


The pants are an adaptation of Dana’s Basic Kids Pants. I actually enlarged the pattern a little bit since I have a growing son, but kinda wish I hadn’t. I wanted them a little bit skinnier than they ended up. But all in all, it’s probably best that they ended up a little baggy. The kiddo seems to like the baggier, comfier fit!


And the shirt!!! I’m so excited! The shirt is pretty much my first try at knit that turned out pretty right on! This is actually a pretty stretchy knit, not really a t-shirt knit. Very stretchy…. But it worked! The pattern is Made by Rae’s Flashback  Skinny Tee pattern. And it takes no time! It took me longer that it should have, but only because I read every word of the instructions looking for all the tips on getting it right. Next time… Maybe an hour, if that long. It’s perfect!


You’ll be seeing more of the scarf with some other news I have coming… Hehehe… I know, on the seat of your chair, huh???


Unfortunately, this week was CRAZY. I totally overbooked myself on things to get done this week, so we didn’t exactly finish the outfit! There’s a red sweatshirt with matching light purple trim missing…. Soon!

Shared with these Link Parties!


  1. Classic outfit (and very appropriate modelling too)! Get as much colour in there as you can while you can get away with it!

  2. There should be more boys wearing clothes like this. So much more fun than the usual blue, red, green. Lovn’ it!

  3. Love this outfit:) The colors are great!!!

  4. this outfit makes me happy! thanks!

  5. Sheila Perl says:

    Your son is absolutely adorable, and I love his colour choices!!! 🙂 That’s what my kids would have chosen too! The bigger pants look very comfy.

  6. This is a lot of fun!

  7. I love the colours! Yay for boys in crazy colours 🙂

  8. impressive!

  9. I love how you gave him some ownership of this outfit!!! He looks like he is having a ball in his new duds :)….

  10. Kristi Andres says:

    this is awesome… my son is asking for a “pizza” outfit for the last week. We’ll see if I can come up with something! You’re inspiring me 🙂

  11. He’s so happy with it! Ain’t that the best feeling in the world? You’ve done your job I’d say!
    Love those yellow pants too. I need a pair that colour!

  12. Very cool! I love this post – the pics and the clothes – looks like so much fun!

  13. Precious pie. Too cute. Love the playful colors. Great job!

  14. We featured you on our blog. Thanks for sewing along!
    With Love,
    Shaffer Sisters


  1. […] your own!My son and I made this one together. He had his idea of all the colors he wanted in an outfit I was making for him, but we didn’t have orange, so we picked it up here in the scarf. And […]

  2. More Color! says:

    […] Left: I’mFeelin’Crafty (blogged here), Bottom Right: easy being […]

  3. […] original plan was to use the Flashback Tee again. I used it once before and it was a bit tight, so I wanted to try it again the next size up. But then I was like… […]

  4. […] your own!My son and I made this one together. He had his idea of all the colors he wanted in an outfit I was making for him, but we didn’t have orange, so we picked it up here in the scarf. And […]

  5. […] crazy colorful outfit the kiddo and I made in January for the Project Run and Play Sew […]

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